
Product Series Introduction

Ever wood(EW)


EW is a kind of color-initiated chemical permeability, and at the same time it is a non-toxic, flame-resistant substance. The permeable lye acid condensing compound has a density and hardness of most wood, enhanced wood and other surface layers, protected paint and wood interconnections and extended paint life of 300 %.

EW can strengthen the wood surface layer and enhance the wood life; It can also be used to prevent moths, cockroaches, and bacteria from breeding.


1、Unprotected damage.
2、Intoxicity, burnability, harmfulness

3、The method of use is simple.

Technical participation

Method of application
1、Normal or smooth surfaces do not need to be handled. EW is best used above 0 °C.
2、Any paint or surface handling should be removed in advance to facilitate EW penetration into the wood. You can remove traces of paint or surface treatment with brushes, scraping, or decaying chemical tests.
3、Do not use sparingly or in combination with other liquids. When using, please specify according to use.
4、EW may change the color of the surface, suggesting that it be used first in a small area.
5、Try using the past to shake. You can try to spray with a brush, roll brush, or low pressure spray.
6、According to the gap on the surface of the wood, the amount of rubbing is determined. Generally, only one layer is applied.

7、If a stain, such as grease or grease, permeates the wood, apply a layer first.

8、In the vertical surface, please sweep up from the bottom, follow the wood itself.

9、Using on the plane, EW will make the surface appear as smooth as a mirror surface, but you must not use too much like a pool.

10、It is recommended that the coverage of 10 to 25 square meters(about 100 to 250 square feet) is applied to each addition, and the coverage of the coverage and permeability depends on the hardness and surface absorption of the wood itself.

11、If necessary, you can use more than one EW. Most of the EW will not penetrate into the wood. On the surface of the wood. You can remove the rest of the EW with water or a broom.

12、It usually takes 2 to 4 hours to handle the surface before there is a limit to allowing pedestrians to pass through.

13、After use, water will be cleaned in containers containing EW.

 Pay attention.

    Notice that EW should not be used in glass, glazes or products, such as accidental contact, should be immediately washed with water. EW can not be used to repair the visible cracking.

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